What is a true Technomage?
This is a difficult subject to broach as many have their own idea's of what a Technomage really is... I can merely offer up my interpretation and insights as to what I consider a Technomage to be so here they are. Please take them as you find them...
The name Technomage has been adopted by a certain group of people inspired by the Babylon 5 series as this best describes what it is that they feel, do, are... But Technomages have always been with us, maybe not by that name but certainly by others, like Shaman, Inventor, Poet, Visionary, Prophet, Philosopher, Alchemist, Artisan... The list of names is endless for what a Technomage really is and so, put into perspective, the modern Technomage is an amalgamation of all these things rolled into one individual...
The Technomage seeks to transcend the boundaries that others would impose by the taking of technology and using it as a tool to alter the reality that is taken for granted...
Other tools are Mathematics, Physics, Philosophy, Chemistry,
Imagination and Invention but these alone do not make a Technomage...
To be a true Technomage you need that certain ingredient that is
impossible to quantify and that is the wonderment of knowledge for without
this you can never appreciate Technomagic for its intricacies and
simplicities, the beauty of the electron, the complexities of the human
mind, the potential in all things and the majesty of nature... The
realisation that every atom that comprises your being is billions of years
older than the Earth and started its long journey within the heart of a
star as hydrogen and before that as potential...
If you have never stopped to wonder at these things then you are probably not a Technomage, if this has passed over your heads similarly you probably do not have that special ingredient that drives a Technomage to break with convention and look inside to the treasures that lie within themselves and to explore what lies without...
The Technomage must be aware of the power that is wielded and act accordingly in a responsible manner toward those around them...
A true Technomage sees the magic that is inherent in all things and not merely satisfied to use these things without understanding of why these things are as they are or how they came to be...
The Technomage understands the true concept of Magic and has retained that childlike quality of inquisitiveness and imagination, the Technomage can express the knowledge gained, in ways that are not dictated nor coerced by those who would attempt control over that Mages creativity and power...
The Technomage does not seek to control or be controlled by others but seeks their own path in life without any other constraint than that Technomages own rules by which to live...
The knowledge that an individual Technomage may possess may be public domain, may be considered mundane, may even be elder knowledge that seems outdated or trivial but the knowledge is not the powerbase of the Technomage, it is the means... A Technomages power lies within that Mages imagination, wisdom and the ability to bend such knowledge to fit the Mages view of reality so that both potential and actual realities become one...
These are just some of the thoughts of what a Technomage is in my reality....